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Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018

Contractions - Singkatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contractions - Singkatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kalau kita membaca buku atau website berbahasa Inggris, kita sering menjumpai kata yang mengandung tanda petik sebelum (satu atau dua) huruf terakhirnya misalnya aren't dan can't . 
Lalu, apakah fungsi tanda petik itu?. Dalam bahasa Inggris, tanda petik seperti itu berfungsi untuk menyingkat dua kata atau ringkasnya singkatan, misalnya aren't adalah singkatan dari are not, can't adalah singkatan dari can not, dan sebagainya. 
Dan singkatan yang dimaksud dalam postingan ini adalah singkatan grammer bahasa Inggris yang disebut contractions, bukan singkatan bahasa Inggris gaul atau slang. Untuk selengkapnya perhatikan tabel di bawah ini.

aren't = are not
can't = can not
couldn’t = could not
didn’t = did not
doesn’t = does not
don’t = do not
hadn’t = had not
hasn’t = has not
he’d = he had, he would
he’ll = he will
haven’t = have not
he’s = he is, he has
here’s = here is
I’d = I had, I would, I should
I’ll = I will, I shall
I’m = I am
Isn’t = is not
It’d = it had, it would
It’ll = it will
I’ve = I have
Let’s = let us
Ma’am = madam
Mustn’t = must not
Needn’t = need not
Oughtn’t = ought not
Shan’t = shall not
she'd = she had, she would
she'll = she will
she’s = she is, she has
shouldn’t = should not
that’ll = that will
that’s = that is, that has
there’s = there is
they’d = they had, they would
they’ll = they will
they’re = they are
they’ve = they have
wasn’t = was not
we’d = we had, we would
we’ll = we will, we should
weren’t = were not
we’ve = we have
what’s = what is, what has
where’s = where is
who’s = who is, who has
who’ve = who have
won’t = will not
wouldn’t = would not
you’d = you had, you would
you’ll = you will
you’re = you are
you’ve = you have

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